четверг, 30 мая 2013 г.

Pleasure Reading Chapters 30 -40

Sarah is hiding in the barn, where she says she cannot and then falls to her knees saying she has lied to him.   He then takes her in his arms and kisses her. He then pushes her violently away and turns and rushes through the door. Unfortunately, Mary and Sam (servants) saw them. Smithson takes with them the promise of silence, and in no case not to tell to Ernestine, going to London. Sarah hides in Exeter. She has ten sovereigns,  left by Charles for a farewell and it gives her a bit of freedom.Charles and Ernestina are talking and she is  annoyed that when he arrives he talks to Aunt Tranter at length in the hall and their conversation is inaudible. He insists he has to go to London to sign papers and to let her father know that his prospects have changed. He says this is his duty, and so has to do it. Some time later, Charles meets with Ernestina’s father, Mr Friman. Mr. Freeman tells as he does not have a male heir  commerce is abhorrent to Charles. Charles looks shocked at the idea of working in commerce and feels himself as a bought husband.

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